Getting in My Spanish Groove

Learning Spanish has been a bit of a roller coaster. One day I feel completely frustrated, like I haven't improved at all and I can't say the most basic phrases, and the next day I'm speaking without thinking about it. I think it has a lot to do with outside factors, like how stressed I am at work or how much sleep I got the night before. Plus it can be hard to see your progress when there's always so much more to learn. Just when I get a handle on one tense, there's yet another set of endings to learn for the next one (hello, subjunctive!). This is hard for people like me, with bad memories.

Construction on the street by my school

Patio at my Spanish school
I also had to find my sweet spot as far how long I went to class. I started with an hour a day (M-Sat), then the next week I bumped it up to 2 hours a day, thinking I would learn more. I didn't. I actually absorbed less because I didn't have as much time to study. I think an hour a day is perfect for me. Plus it also gives me free time after class to go explore Antigua and enjoy myself, which is no small part of why I'm here.

Speaking of which, yesterday was the day of the Patron Saint of Antigua, St. James. There were apparently parades and other festivities during the day, but the part I got to see was in the evening, and it was a concert in the parque central. It had a really good vibe, with lots of families out having fun, and I hung out for a bit and watched the band. People were lighting colorful paper lanterns and releasing them into the night, which added a mystical sort of feel to the whole scene. I took a video to give you the idea (it's better if you go full screen with sound):

Here's a photo of the fiesta, too.

Patron Saint celebration in the parque central

It's my last few days in Antigua and I'm already getting nostalgic. This place has been such a perfect fit for me. I felt very at home here and loved spending my free time walking around and taking in the crumbling charm of the city and its incredibly nice people. I can't wait to come back. Next time, however, I probably won't opt to live in a convent, but the atmosphere did make working easy. (Melody knows what I'm talking about-- even if we didn't really test the curfew).

Two more days, then it's off to Costa Rica to stay in my old hood and visit Greta and Tausha for a mini-reunion. It's been a while, to say the least. I mean geez, they have kids I haven't even met yet! We should reenact this photo, for sure. (We didn't even plan those coordinated scarves I don't think!)

Money spent yesterday:
Q233 - 4 hours of Spanish class
Q10 - Gatorade (my weakness)
= Q243 or $34

Money spent today:
$25 taxi to the airport Saturday (it's about an hour)
Q14 milk (someone keeps drinking mine)
$22 gifts to take home
= $49


  1. There is always so much more to learn!

  2. So true! I'm definitely going to stick with it... until you and I are talking to each other in Spanish!


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