Stomach Saga Continues

Traveling is so glamorous 
Day 3 of this stomach thing and I'm over it. Today was rough. I had to leave work early because I felt so bad. I still went to Spanish though and afterward I finally got some Pepto, which I'm hoping will help. Strangely you can only buy it at the pharmacy, which is about a mile from my house, unlike every other medicine known to man that can be bought at the tiendas on every corner. That picture sums up my day. This was me at around 4:00 p.m.

I have a feeling tomorrow will be better. I leave for the lake in the morning and despite the pain in my stomach, I'm actually really happy to be getting away from this room, where I've been spending waaaay too much time the last few days.

This is a good luck owl, so here's hoping

To end on a high note, here's a cool photo of Mt. Fuego erupting! My co-workers informed me it was in the news, but I'm not sure why because the thing erupts every day!

That puff of smoke is Mt. Fuego erupting. It's a very active volcano. 


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