How Do You Say Pepto Bismol in Spanish?

Was it the fruit?
Well, I got hit with a stomach bug, which was probably inevitable. I'm sure it had something to do with all the restaurant and street food I ate over the weekend, but really, who knows? Given the fact that I have such a sensitive stomach to start with, I should probably avoid eating street food from the big outdoor mercado or the parks, but it's hard to pass up that cheap, tasty stuff.  However, after a full 2 days of stomach cramps, fatigue, headache and other fun symptoms, I don't think it's worth the gamble. In fact, I had to hobble down to the pharmacy today and get some medicine. He gave me antibiotics and anti-protozoa pills. Yikes. After some online research, I decided not to take the antibiotics but I figure I'll hang on to them just in case. Plus I'm getting on a 3-hour bus ride on Saturday morning and spending the weekend away from the house so it will be good to have tools in my arsenal. I'm just hoping tomorrow I'll wake up without this crazy stomach pain.

So this weekend I'll go to San Pedro de la Laguna (on Lake Atitlan) and then I just have one more week here in Antigua before I fly out. That's sad, but at the same time, I'm anxious to get home and see Mike, who is finished with his captaining job in the Bahamas and is now home (and homeless, like me) in St. Pete. I won't go straight there though; I decided to pass through Costa Rica and visit Greta and Tausha (and maybe Laura if she's there). I'll just stay a week and I'll work from an Airbnb I rented in my old neighborhood, San Rafael. I figure if I don't go now, when will I? I'll be there for my birthday, too, which is kind of cool.
Hopefully my luck is changing

I'm curious to see how working in CR goes. If it's as easy as here, I feel I may be onto something, and I just might keep doing this after I go home for a couple of months to regroup. Ideally, next I'd go somewhere that is near where Mike is sailing, such as Belize or Panama. It's a romantic idea that we'll bounce around like a couple of gypsies, and if I can work remotely, it doesn't seem too far-fetched.

Well, this is a short post because it's been a long day of work, sickness, and a 2-hour Spanish class. My bed is calling.

Money spent today: 
30 USD medicine (So expensive-- they prey on the weak!)
20Q bread, sandwich, bananas
100Q required deposit for my hotel at the lake (To confirm my reservation I had to go to the bank and put 50% in their account, then send them the receipt)

= 46 USD


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