Friday Night Lights in Merida

Yesterday was a long work day to end out a short week. I had requested a half day off because I had my big dentist appointment (to take my crowns off and put on the temporaries), but the dentist called to postpone, so I worked the whole day. Turns out my temporary crowns weren't ready from the lab, so that was a disappointment. I imagine it will be Monday or Tuesday now, which throws a bit of a wrench in everything.

So after I finished work, had a bite to eat, and chatted with Shannon and Mike for a bit, I took a walk to the park around 8 to get out of the house and enjoy the nice evening weather. I'm so glad I did, because I lucked into seeing the "video mapping" light show they put on every week that I've been meaning to catch. It always seems like the best things I do are unplanned.

Before the show  

What they do for this espectáculo de luz y sonido (light and sound show) is project images onto the facade of the giant main church in the square, San Idelfonso Cathedral, and the images and narration tell the supposed history of Merida. Although even I could tell that the narration had a bit of a Thanksgiving vibe (the Mayans and Europeans worked together in harmony!), it was such a stunning show that I tuned this aspect out pretty easily.

Depicting Spaniards coming to the Yucatan

This event was the highlight of my Friday for sure! Not sure what today holds, but it's Merida, so chances are I'll stumble across something surprising.

Money spent yesterday

238 pesos - groceries (I had to go in the morning before work because I ran out of drinking water)
40 pesos- taxi to get groceries
50 pesos- 1 bag of laundry

328 pesos = $17 USD


  1. I love it when I read my name in print!


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