Leaving Isla

Segue, Mike's home

Well, I didn't do much blogging when I was in Isla Mujeres, mostly because I had less time than I usually do--since I was spending it all with Mike :) but let me at least write one now that I've left, and while I'm on the bus to Merida.

Coral art at a bar
Looking back, I have to admit I was hesitant about the whole working remotely from Isla thing- being on a 5-mile long island, living on the boat, and commuting to the "office" I rented (i.e. a tiny spare bedroom in someone's home). I was afraid that the commute might be a hassle, the weather a problem when I was dinghy-ing in to the dock everyday, the Internet spotty, or the office situation weird. As it turned out, all of those things were of course the case to some degree, but that was all part of the adventure and I'm so glad I did it. (Thank you, Mike!)

Dogs wear shirts in Isla for some reason

The dinghy commute was actually less of an issue than I expected, and that's due mostly to Mike reliably getting me to shore each day and picking me up after work at the dock. I'm sure there were things he'd rather have done at 6:30 in the morning than get up and have coffee and breakfast so I could go to work at 8:00 (or 8:30 as it happened most days) but he never complained. We'd sit on the boat and watch the sunrise, then cook something. When it was time to go he'd pump up the dinghy (she's got a slow leak somewhere) and off we'd go to the dock.  

Mike picking me up after work

A cool old boat on the dock

The Internet speed was somewhat of an issue at Cindy and Steve's, since it was a bit too slow and cut off a few times at inopportune moments (i.e. a Skype meeting about a project). Overall it was okay though, and definitely workable. Being in their house in general though was about what I expected. They were extremely nice and didn't bother me while I was working, but inevitably it's weird being a guest in strangers' home, and hearing their daily routines and conversation, when you're used to having a place of your own. It took some getting used to to just walk into their house at 8:30 a.m. and shut myself in their downstairs bedroom, just off the living room. That kind of shared living situation has never been my thing!

Amazing view for my lunch breaks

Church on the sea
Anyway, it was a fun two and a half weeks of being on the boat with Mike, fishing, snorkeling, cooking, eating out, having sunset cocktails, meeting cool people on neighboring boats, and just being together. Now I’m about 2 hours short of Merida, where an Airbnb awaits. I was sad to leave Mike, for sure, who is leaving out of Isla this evening to sail to Cuba (alone!) on his way to Key West. We will hopefully meet up again in March, if not sooner.  

Merida is welcome and familiar ground, so it's nice to be back. Shannon is right, it does feel a bit like home these days. I’m hoping to get my dental work redone (I have an appointment on Tuesday) and just be settled for a bit in the land of hot showers, fast Internet, conveniences, and cheap everything. I also look forward to getting back into my running and workout routine- I have a tendency to get out of shape when I’m in vacation mode on the boat with Mike.  No more chips and salsa and brownies for me for a while. I'll miss them. 

Money spent today
220 pesos- last dockside meal with Mike :(
80 - ferry from Isla to Cancun
150 - taxi to bus station (I paid too much but my suitcase was too heavy to try and save money)
20 - snacks for bus
715 - bus ticket to Merida (4 hours- too long, even on this awesome luxury bus)
30 - taxi from bus station to Airbnb

1215 pesos = about $63 USD
