Maybe I'm Meant for Sea Level

The courtyard at a shop I went to yesterday

I've been here a full four days now, but so far I don't feel like I've really been able to dive into San Miguel. The altitude (over 6,000 feet) got to me at first. I usually walk all over a new city like a mad woman, but here I've gotten really tired and thirsty whenever I've tried to do that. San Miguel is hilly, steep, and dry, and I guess I just wasn't prepared for that.

What I have seen of the city, however, is gorgeous! Everywhere you turn, there's something beautiful, like these two views, which are shots I took in opposite directions standing on a little bridge/overpass at sunset.
Views around town

Then, just when I felt I was adjusting to the altitude,  I realized I have a sinus infection. It's hard to be sick in a new place when you don't know anyone or where anything is. I would have liked some tea today, for example, but there aren't any real grocery stores in town, and I wasn't sure if the little tiendas (family-owned corner stores) would have it. Most of them are impressively jammed to the gills with just about everything you could imagine, but I just didn't have the energy to go hunting. Luckily, I did know where the pharmacy was, so I got some nasal spray and that seems to have helped.

Anyway, things are looking up because Mike arrives tomorrow! He'll be here until next Wednesday, and I'm taking the time off work. I could definitely use a vacation and it will so nice to explore this town with him instead of by myself. There are cool things going on here all the time– live music, art classes, dance, tours, conversation groups, yoga– you name it. In fact, I saw that there's an outdoor concert on Sunday in a big nature reserve just outside town. I'm hoping we'll both be up to it by then.

I'll sign off with a couple of shots of my "neighborhood." I basically live inside an artisan market. You wouldn't know it, but there are doors that lead to houses and entire apartment buildings nestled into this craziness. My place is located in one segment of this very long series of alleys that runs for blocks, lined with row upon row of vendors. The entrance to my apartment building is a non-descript wooden door between a couple of shops on the right.

Where I'm staying. Good thing I don't drink much or I'd never find my house. 

But if I get lost, I just look for Mary, who stands in her cage like a guiding light at the entrance to my section of the market. Handy!

Money spent today

300 pesos - Nasal spray, Zyrtec and little things from the pharmacy
= about $15 USD (kind of expensive stuff!)

Money spent yesterday

175 pesos - Groceries
380 pesos - Sundress

455 pesos = about $23 USD


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