El Arte Urbano de Oaxaca

When walking around Oaxaca City, you never know what you'll see. There seems to be more street art here than other places I've been, and it's pretty amazing stuff. I thought I'd share some of it, like this gorgeous mural I ran across.

A lot of these I found when walking through a neighborhood called Xochimilco, which is a historic, winding little area with cobblestone streets and a general air of cool.

The ultra cool Xochimilco neighborhood, where I was the dork snapping photos.

This guy was next to the birds. Such a talented artist! And the wear and tear of the wall that it's painted on works right into the painting.

This was my favorite one. I really like how the artist integrated the ground into the design.

This one felt very Oaxacan.

And this beauty was on the outside of some kind of cultural center in a neighborhood called La Estrella.

Loved the style and color of this little drawing I saw in Melody and Chris' neighborhood of San Felipe del Agua. It says "Peace is the way." 

And finally, a rough beauty that seems to move. 

Who needs art galleries?

Money spent yesterday:
40 pesos for a round trip moto-taxi ride to apartment hunt
= about $2 USD

My first female moto-taxi driver! Excellent, naturally :) 
